ROMA includes 2 recognized markers for ovarian cancer, CA125 and HE4. Cancer antigen 125 (CA125) has been shown to be elevated in most ovarian cancer cells, but has a low specificity for ovarian malignancies. 1,5,6 Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4)


The ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) algorithm integrates the HE4 assay, the CA125 assay and the menopausal status of patients in order to evaluate the malignancy risk of a pelvic mass. HE4 and ROMA improve patient care for those suffering from ovarian cancer. This cancer has a low incidence rate but a high mortality rate. TEST

Method Description. Test Code ROMA ROMA Score (Ovarian Malignancy Risk Algorithm), Serum Karlsen MA, Sandhu N, Hogdall C, et al: Evaluation of HE4, CA125, risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) and risk of malignancy index (RMI) as diagnostic tools of epithelial ovarian cancer in patients with a pelvic mass. Studies show that HE4 is overexpressed in 93% of serous, 100% of endometrioid, and 50% of clear cell tumors, but not in mucinous ovarian carcinomas. In one study of 233 patients with a pelvic mass, including 67 with epithelial ovarian cancer, HE4 had a higher sensitivity than CA125, 72.9% vs.

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W ostatnim czasie jako element praktyki klinicznej przy diagnozowaniu raka jajnika stosowany jest algorytm ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm). Algorytm ten bierze pod uwagę status menopauzalny kobiety oraz oznaczenie stężenia CA – 125 i HE4. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), is a serum biomarker which can be detected at high levels in patients with ovarian cancer. A combination of multiple diagnostic modalities can improve the physician’s ability to preoperatively assess women with adnexal mass. CA125 is widely used to predict malignancy in women with pelvic mass. seguido do ROMA (AUC 0,875), combinação CA-125 ou HE4 (AUC 0,856) e HE4 (AUC 0,786).

However, it has limitations such as low sensitivity for early The combination of CA 125™ + HE4 tests from Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc., helps ovarian cancer patients find the right doctor for the most optimal outcome. Explore more about ovarian cancer, the new CA 125 + HE4 test, and how this test will help steer patients down the right treatment path.

Test ROMA jest nowoczesnym narzędziem określającym stopień ryzyka wystąpienia złośliwego raka jajnika. test ROMA "interpretuje" wyniki badań dwóch markerów nowotworowych: CA 125 i HE4. Jeśli u kobiety przed menopauzą test ROMA da wynik poniżej 11,4% - oznacza to niskie ryzyko choroby nowotworowej.

Roma to kompleksowe badanie, obejmujące oznaczenia stężeń Ca 125 i HE4 wraz z oceną  21 Jan 2020 Pre-diagnostic testing lacks sensitivity HE4, (b) risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA) with a transvaginal ultrasound score or (c) RMI, menopausal status, and serum CA125 and HE4 were prospectively and  9 May 2019 ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) Testing Schedule: Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) combines the results of HE4, CA125, and  exhibited better sensitivity than ROMA, but ROMA exhibited better specificity. Both models all samples were tested using the ARCHITECT CA125 II, HE4,. 15 Nov 2017 Risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm (ROMA). 3.7 The ROMA combines serum CA125 and HE4 levels with a person's menopausal status to  L'uso del CA125 non è raccomandato come test di screening per a causa della insufficiente specificità.

Ca125 he4 test roma

Test Roma służy do oceny ryzyka zachorowania na raka jajnika. Roma to kompleksowe badanie, obejmujące oznaczenia stężeń Ca 125 i HE4 wraz z oceną 

W ostatnim czasie jako element praktyki klinicznej przy diagnozowaniu raka jajnika stosowany jest algorytm ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm). Algorytm ten bierze pod uwagę status menopauzalny kobiety oraz oznaczenie stężenia CA – 125 i HE4. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4), is a serum biomarker which can be detected at high levels in patients with ovarian cancer. A combination of multiple diagnostic modalities can improve the physician’s ability to preoperatively assess women with adnexal mass. CA125 is widely used to predict malignancy in women with pelvic mass.

Women with ROMA™ levels above the cutoff have an increased risk of ovarian cancer. This study aimed to identify and quantify the clinical significance of the HE4 and ROMA index in patients with an adnexal tumour.
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Ca125 he4 test roma

The ROMA was calculated depending on CA125, HE4, and menopausal status. Results.

Aplikácia v klinickej praxi This online calculator tool is based on the ROMA slide rule, a tool to help approximate the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer using CA125 and HE4 test values.
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Pour l'algorithme ROMA sont dosés HE4 et CA125 avec la même technologie, ce qui n'autorise pas l'intégration d'un résultat transmis de CA125. ATTENTION : interférence possible chez les patients traités par biotine (vitamine B7, B8 ou H) ou sous complément alimentaire contenant de la biotine.

L'association des tests CA 125™ + HE4 de Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. permet aux patientes atteintes du cancer de l'ovaire de trouver le médecin le plus approprié à leur cas pour obtenir un traitement optimal. Étendez vos connaissances sur le cancer de l'ovaire, le nouveau test CA 125 + HE4 et apprenez dans quelle mesure ce test va permettre de guider les patientes vers le traitement qui Mann–Whitney U test was used to compare levels of HE4, CA125, and ROMA. After establishing the ROC curves of HE4, CA125, and ROMA in different groups, the differences of AUC were evaluated by Z scores statistics. L'algorithme ROMA évalue un risque de malignité, en associant les mesures sériques d'HE4, CA125 et le statut ménopausal.